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Welcome to Eagle Crew!

We are a Year 6 class.

Miss Dace is our teacher and Miss Reynolds, Mrs Lintern and Mrs Riddiford support us too. 

Our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
Forest School is on a Friday afternoon.

Our Class Art

Links to our termly overviews and knowledge organisers (KO) can be found at the bottom of the page. 

Please click on the photo albums link on the right to see lots of photos of our learning.

After recapping the Mustard Seed Parable, we wrote our own class prayer.

Dear God,

Please guide us successfully through this year.

Encourage us to listen, be kind and work harder in our learning.

Teach us to control our actions and work effectively together so everyone can soar.

Nurture our friendships by allowing us to forgive and forget.

Help us persevere through things we find difficult.

Support us to realise that small actions can help unleash our great potential so we can pursue our dreams.

Let us grow together from the smallest seed into supportive trees.



Useful Links/Apps

Spelling Shed

Times Table Rock Stars - play at least 3 times a week for maximum impact.

Spelling Frame - great for supporting spelling learning.
