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Please follow the weblink below to our policies page within which you can find our full Behaviour Policy.

S+ Behaviour Blueprint

Our school rules are be focussed, be caring, be safe and be respectful.

At the start of the year, each crew creates a "class contract" with a set of agreed rules to follow which stem from our four school rules. Each classroom has a recognition board which recognises and acknowledges children who have followed a specific rule. 

Behaviour ladder

Our behaviour ladder demonstrates the steps we take if a child is not following the school rules. Children are given reminders and opportunities to make better choices. If a child is sent to another class for reflection time, a conversation takes place before they are welcomed back to their crew. We are exceptionally proud of the behaviour our pupils demonstrate. 

Zones of regulation

Children are encouraged to use the zones of regulation to help support and recognise their emotions. Each crew has this displayed in their classroom and children are encouraged to move their name to match how they are feeling.